"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."- William Penn
Monday, October 31, 2016
Thursday, October 27, 2016
"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often."
Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often."- Peter Vidmar
I think this quote is trying to tell you that you should take care of what you really want instead of throwing it to waste. An example would be, you want to finish your career and you know that your roommate likes to party a lot and he's encouraging you to go but you know that you have a test the next day. What should you do, go out or study. The best solution for that is to just stay home and study becomes once you know it you're going to be out if college faster than your roommate. It only take a second to make up your answer. Another thing is that not only you should say it, but write it down somewhere and be able to see it everyday so that you can remember what you want to do in future. You shouldn't take what you want the most for granted because then you will have nothing left, but you wishing you can go back and rewind it. Always make sure to choose the right because that is what makes you become someone great in life.

School Homecomings
What is a School Homecoming: School homecoming is the tradition of welcoming back former students and celebrating a school’s existence, along with a homecoming football game.
History of School Homecoming: Homecoming is an old American college tradition, for which the current students of an institution select a king and queen and they create spirit displays, floats, and banners designs to promote the school spirit and welcome the alumni back to campus.
Why do we celebrate Homecoming in Schools: We celebrate to show school spirit and support whatever athletic teams and clubs are going on during that time of period. All of this encourages students and alumni to have school spirit and pride.
Why is it called Homecoming Game: It is called Homecoming Game because the football game is the main homecoming attraction. There is usually a huge crowd and lots of energy, so the pressure is on for the home team to win. They usually make so much noice so that the team can crush the competition.
Homecoming Etiquette: Homecoming, which takes place every fall, is a very important high school event. Although traditions may vary by school, it is typically defined by a football game followed by a semi-formal dance. There may even be a parade or a school spirit week in conjunction with the occasion. Some schools may also use it as a time to welcome back alumni for a special dinner or reunion. During high school homecoming, there are special rules of etiquette students should follow.
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016
A Good Name
"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life"- Mike Krzyzewski
What this quote means is that you should always do good in life, be a CTR person so that everyone will know what kind of person you are. When you are a bad person then you have a bad name right in front of you because no one is going to want someone that doesn't achieve in life. Another thing is that we are not only only aiming to achieve our dreams and goals but we also want to be known for someone good because our names say it all. For example you want to work at a nice office, but when they see your record and realize you were a bad person during your teenage life. They are not going to want you because they make think "why do we want him here, he might just bring our business down". This is only by your name, and they still haven't even met you but you already showed the bad side of you without knowing if you have actually changed. We should always be doing good things in life because our name is the only thing that will matter to other people, they may be surprise that you actually achieved in life but all they want to know is what kind of person you became to be. (Kind, Helpful, CTR, Smart, etc...) Always choose the right and never stop doing that because we want a clean name throughou9t our life.

Careers in Other Countries
“Global Opportunities: Careers in Other Countries”
Canada: Health, Safety, Environmental Technician
They are responsible for coordinating activities of the environment and francization committees
Italy: Marketing Manager
They work on different potential business case scenarios and identify the right investment level
Colombia: Call Center Specialist Behavioral Health
They research and provide non-clinical referrals based on members specific needs and location
I wouldn’t like to work at another country because that means you will have to change you life into a new one because everything is going to be new to you. Another thing is that you’re going to be far away from your families and friends. This will also be hard to adapt to the new life you will begin, that is why I wouldn’t like to work in another country.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Choosing a Good Name
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches"-Proverbs 22:1
What this quote is trying to tell us is that a person who has good behavior, kindness, and honesty will most likely to be the one that everyone wants to know about. Another thing is that they won't care if you're rich or not because that isn't who we are. The only persons we are is if we choose the right because that determines everything about us. For example you want to apply for college but they see you're a bad student that has been arrested and gotten into many fights, they are not going to want you here because you have chosen the wrong and it makes you name look bad. Making wise choices and doing the right thing will make your name be the light of the stage because they know who and what kind of person you are. Having a clean name will make you become someone great in life because you never had to have a bad representation on your name.

Health Educator
Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities:
Health educators provide a myriad of education programs that help individuals or communities to make better healthy lifestyle choices. They must teach people what they should do to maintain wellness. Another thing is that they include a developing program to encourage healthy decision-making for all ages. Health educator are also to be involved and analyze information to identify communities needs in order to plan implement and monitor programs to to encourage a healthy lifestyle.
Salary: 51,719-66,516
Health educator need at least a Bachelor in Health Education or a Bachelor in Health Promotion Degree. Another thing is that some federal government and state public health education jobs will need a master’s degree.
Demand for this education:
Since health educators teach people how to live healthy lives and avoid costly diseases they want them to provide information to the public with vital health education.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I think that I would like to be one because you get to help people live a better life and tell them better recommendations. Another thing is that you get to go around school and promote to kids what lifestyle choices they should be making. All of this will help make a better community around you.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Thomas S. Monson
"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow." Thomas S. Monson
I think this quote means that you shouldn't make the wrong chooses because that can lead you to become a bad person. Always think twice before you commit your actions, if you know that they aren't going to be good then don't do it. Another thing is that don't listen to what others have to say because they can get you into trouble and you don't want be known for you bad actions. We want to work hard in our leadership and compassion with others because that's who we really are. You should have the courage to stand up and lead everyone to a good path don't be afraid to speak because then everything and everyone will not be as successful as you think. For example "your" friends ask you to smoke with them, what do you say. We should be able to say no because we know what smoking can cause to our body. Even if they call you names don't be embarrass, just walk away from them. Always choose the right and make wise choices, don't let anything get in your way.

Crime Scene Investigator
Duties and Responsibilities:
Crime scene investigators are an integral part of the law enforcement process, they are responsible for identifying, gathering, and analyzing evidence from crime scenes. Another thing, crime scene investigators are responsible for processing crime scenes for evidence, photographing crime scenes, packaging, labeling and transporting evidence, documenting autopsies, briefing investigators, writing reports and testifying in court. Crime scene investigators often work unusual hours and are responsible for answering calls for service during their assigned off-duty hours.
Salary: 29,248-61,256
At law enforcement agencies in urban areas, non-uniformed crime scene investigators need a degree in a natural science, such as biology or chemistry, or in forensic science. The latter degree covers topics in chemistry, biology, anthropology, geology, soil science, textiles, psychology, statistics and criminology. In rural agencies or smaller police departments, forensic science techs may only need a high school diploma. Investigators can also come from the ranks of sworn police officers, in which case, they bring their police experience to the job. This includes several weeks or months of training at their police academies.
Demand for this education:
Crime scene investigators also require on-the-job training before they can handle cases on their own. They apprentice under more experienced investigators to learn correct collection procedures and how to document activities so they stand up to scrutiny in court. The time it takes to train depends on the forensic specialty.
Reflection: Would you like to be one?Why?Why not?
I think that I would like to be one because you get to work with others and express your thoughts or opinions based on the crime scene. Another thing is that you get to think outside the box and you do experiments with the evidence you have collected. It can take a lot of work but you may have a chance to find who killed the victim for most cases.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
A CTR Champion
"A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself."-Noemi Trigueros
What this quote is trying to say is that if you always choose the right then you're making yourself look good in front of everyone. This quote also tells us that making the right choices can lead you to become someone successful in life. If you become the champion right now then you won't have to worry about any obstacle that come in between you because you will know what is bad and what is good for you. Its better to become a CTR person right now because you will eventually feel good about it because later on in life it can get hard to do it, since you didn't start from the beginning. An example is like the girl that wrote this quote because she is telling us what a CTR champion will become out of themselves if they decide to go the right path, probably just like she did. Even to become a champion you will need support from other like you family, friends, and etc.

Environmental Health Specialist
Environmental Health Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities:
Environmental health specialists monitor health and safety conditions in residential, industrial, commercial, and recreational setting. Their main responsibility of this position is to determine the existence of possible health hazards and to take steps to correct them. Most of them work for the government agencies that monitor local, state, and federal safety and environmental regulations. They can also collect samples of soil, air, water and possible pollutions from the places they inspect.
Salary: 37,300-57,551
Most positions for environmental health specialists require at least a bachelor's degree. Significant coursework in chemistry, biology, public health, physical sciences, as well as environmental engineering is usually needed as well. Those who want to work for the government have to complete a certification course administered by the appropriate local, state, or federal agency. Most states have licensing boards that examine potential candidates and grant certification to qualified applicants. The type of training and certification needed depends on the types of facilities being inspected. Credentialing is also available through the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA). It is possible to receive specialist certification for dealing with certain types of hazardous materials.
Demand for this profession:
Environmental health specialists who work for government agencies typically advance along a specified career ladder in which they receive salary increases according to a set schedule. When the top salary level is reached, further advancement leads to supervisory positions. There is a good deal of competition for these positions, which are based on the needs of the agency as well as the qualifications of the candidate.
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I think that I would like to become one because, then you get to go out and explore how to make your community or any community a better and safer place to live. Another thing is that you get to experiment with tools outdoor and see if there is any danger in your community. You can also make a difference if you decide to become someone like this.
Monday, October 10, 2016
"Goal setting is goal getting. Set and get."
"Goal setting is goal getting. Set and get."- Mark victor Hansen
What this quote means is that if your deciding to set a goal then you should achieve it, instead of not achieving it. Another thing is that when you set your self to do something you should always accomplish it because then it won't be worth your time when you know that you didn't accomplish it. For example, you want to loose weight but you need to work hard for it and not give up because then your going to be a failure to yourself. If you know that your not going to go chase after your goal then you shouldn't set that goal for you self. Think of something else, that you will be able to go and get it. Choosing the right will always lead you to the right path and not giving up on your goal. but if you do the opposite then you will not accomplish your goal. Once you have achieved your goal then you can start a new one and keep making the right choices so you won't go the wrong way.

Thursday, October 6, 2016
"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block."- James E. Faust
I think this quote means that when you are an obedient person you will no longer have to choose the wrong path because, now you will know the difference between bad and good. Another thing is that you will act fast to the actions you commit. But we know that you won't do any bad because that makes you a unsuccessful person and you are striving to make your building block bigger and amazing, so everyone can know how outstanding you are and will always be. Even though you will make mistakes throughout the way, that shouldn't stop you from being someone great and powerful. Once you know that you achieve success you will continue because nothing can stop you. Every thing is at the blink of an eye. When you don't do the right thing, then you will start to stumble down and you won't even know the meaning of obedience because you're starting to go the wrong way/path. Everyone gets the chance to become an obedient person, but if you don't go for that chance then you will be failure to everyone. You should always choose the right because that's what will make us become successful in life.

Medical Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities:
Medical assistant, perform routine administrative and clinical tasks to keep the offices of physicians and other health practitioners running smoothly. The duties of medical assistants vary from office to office, depending on the location and size of the practice and the practitioner's specialty. They interact with other peoples and may have to handle several responsibilities at once. Medical assistant can also perform tasks and procedures such as measuring patients vital signs, administering medications and injections, preparing and handling medical instruments and supplies, and collecting and preparing specimens of bodily fluids and tissues for laboratory testing.
Salary: 30,554-35,781
Medical assistant need a high school diploma or high school equivalency is the minimum education needed for an entry-level job as a medical assistant. They need to take high school classes like, in sciences, particularly anatomy, biology and chemistry. Medical assistants also need good interpersonal skills to deal both with patients and medical professionals. They must pay careful attention to detail and possess strong analytical skills.
Demand for this profession:
As a medical assistant you will need to have good medical terminology, communication skills, technical skills, and office management skills. They will need this because it will show how well you can handle the job without feeling overwhelmed. Another thing is that it will also prove how well you can work with a patient and how fast you are in handling with computers.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I think that I would like to be one because you get to work with kids and tell them that you don’t have to be scare of shots or when they take out blood. Another thing is that you can also learn new things you never seen before, or even make new friends that can teach you new things.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
"We learn to do by doing"

I think this quote means that the only way you will learn something is if you do it and put effort into it. For example, you want to join the basketball team but you know that you still more practice in shooting hoops. Instead of wasting your time you should use the time you have left to practice your shooting so you can do better. We should never give up on something we can't do, instead we should achieve in doing better. It will take time to do it perfect but eventually you will get there, it just takes times. Whenever you want to do something so good you will need to do it and achieve it by just practicing and practicing until you know that you are ready. Everthing will come at it's right time, you just need to be patient. Another thing is that you will always be right no matter if you made a few mistakes there and now itd just the matter of time. If you Choose The Right then you are going the right path by just doing it.
Emergency Medical Technician
Duties and Responsibilities:
EMT are the health care professionals who initially assess the condition of the patients and determine the necessary course of action. They provide medical support to the patients while they are carried to the hospitals. They also respond to the emergencies arising out of causalities like criminal violence, natural disasters, fires, air and land accidents, etc. Most of them render their services on a land ambulance but may also work on an air ambulance plane or helicopter. They also need to be prepare to take notes on the treatment they give their patient.
SALARY: 29, 751-37,850
An emt will need a high school diploma or equivalent and a CPR certification. You will also have to take courses in anatomy and physiology. There are four levels of emt training and certification. They are the EMT-BASIC LEVEL, THE ADVANCED-EMT LEVEL, and THE PARAMEDIC LEVEL.
Demand for this profession:
As an emt you will need to have excellent communication skills, problem-solving skills, physical strength, listening skills, interpersonal skills, and compassion.
Reflection: Would you like to be one? Wgy? Why not?
I think that I wouldn’t like to be one because it’s a situation where you have to think or act fast. Another thing is that your patient can be dying too and that can lead to big problems. One reason why I wouldn't like to be one is because I would get really nervous, It will get me ill instead.
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