I think this quote means that the only way you will learn something is if you do it and put effort into it. For example, you want to join the basketball team but you know that you still more practice in shooting hoops. Instead of wasting your time you should use the time you have left to practice your shooting so you can do better. We should never give up on something we can't do, instead we should achieve in doing better. It will take time to do it perfect but eventually you will get there, it just takes times. Whenever you want to do something so good you will need to do it and achieve it by just practicing and practicing until you know that you are ready. Everthing will come at it's right time, you just need to be patient. Another thing is that you will always be right no matter if you made a few mistakes there and now itd just the matter of time. If you Choose The Right then you are going the right path by just doing it.
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