I think this quote is trying to tell us that right is right only when we tell the whole true without leaving out any blanks. Even though we want to say the whole truth we need to because you got yourself into the mess and now you have to pay the consequences. Another thing is that we need to know how to choose the right if we want to be right. An example would be, you ask your mom to let you go and hang out with your friends and she says yes. But you have to be back home by 10:00 pm and you’re like sure. Once you’re with your friends you guys decide to go to a bar where you see that drinking is going on. So you guys go on ahead to drink too. Once you arrived home you realize that you made it even before 10. Then your mom comes and asks you what did you do this evening and you tell her, oh we just went to get some food and play a few video games. But in reality you knew that you weren’t doing anything good and now you just lied to your mom. We need to tell the truth because that's the only time when we will be right unless you want to go the wrong path and be wrong all the time.
Monday, February 27, 2017
The Naturopathic Doctor
The Naturopathic Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities:
Naturopathic physicians combine the wisdom of nature with the rigors of modern science. They focus on holistic, proactive prevention and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. They help facilitate the body’s inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health. It’s their role to identify and remove barriers to good health by helping to create a healing internal and external environment. Another thing is that they work in private practices, hospitals, clinics and community health centers. Naturopathic physicians treat all medical conditions and can provide both individual and family care.
39,440- 135,950
An naturopathic doctor will need a doctoral degree and obtain a bachelor’s degree. They will also need to have a degree field which include naturopathic physician, chiropractic doctor, chinese medicine, acupuncture, medical doctor and osteopathic doctor. They must also be licensed by the state to practice medicine.
Demand or need for this profession:
They should have good observations, good listeners, problem solving, ability to use medical and therapeutic equipment t diagnose and administer therapeutic treatment.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to become? Why? Why not?
I think that I wouldn’t like to become one because it doesn’t seem to interest me. Another thing is that you need to have some good skills to work with the medicine they obtain.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Military Medical Career Pathways
Military Medical Career Pathways
Duties and Responsibilities:
Endodontist specialize in treatment diseases and injuries to the tooth pulp and tissues surrounding the root. As an officer of the Army Dental Corps you are primarily responsible for the dental health of soldiers and their families. They do examines, diagnoses, perform root canal and treat various dental trauma.
Four year agreement can be up to 25,000
They are required to have an doctorate from an American Dental Association, completion of an ADA, must be between the ages of 21 and 42 years old, be licensed to practice dentistry and must be a U.S. citizen.
Demand for this particular career:
They need to have the ability to make accurate and immediate decisions, apply critical technical and thinking skills and be physically and mentally fit to perform under stress.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to become one? Why? Why not?
I think that I would like to be one because then I will also be helping out my country by making sure our soldiers don’t have any toothache. Another thing is that it is always important that the soldiers don’t have any damage tooths. Lastly I will get to cure any disease they have.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
George Washington
“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company.”- George Washington
I think what this quote is trying to tell us that we shouldn’t hang out with bad people that can affect our life because then we have nowhere to go. Another thing is that we should hang out with the good people who will actually be able to teach us some good. For example you have some friends and you know that they do drugs. Should you still keep hanging out with them or go and find some new friends that won’t lead you to bad consequences. Having bad company by your side is never a good sign because many thing scan go wrong and we may have to face the consequences our self. But in the other if you hang out with people of good quality meaning that they are nice, friendly, and respectful than you found yourself some good friends. But if you can’t find that anywhere then you should just be alone instead of hanging/ having bad company. Always make sure that you can choose the right so that you won’t lead yourself to the wrong path. Be a person of good quality and not the bad company type.
Mental health Counselor
Mental Health Counselor
Duties and Responsibilities:
Mental health counselor offer guidance to individuals, couples, families, and groups who are dealing with issues that affect their mental and well being. They encourage their clients to discuss emotions and experiences. Most mental health counselors may work for a school. A government department or even an agency.
They are required to become a mental health counselor in all states, which includes a master’s degree and a state license. The bachelor’s degree programs can be completed in a variety of fields and they usually take about 4 years to complete. Common coursework included individual and group therapy methods, psychological development, group dynamics and social and behavioral theory.
Demand or need for this profession:
They should be able to find an easy connection with people and be able to constructively discuss their problems and issues. Another thing is that they need excellent written and verbal communications skills and an analytical approach.
Reflection: Would you like to become one? Why? Why not?
I think that I would like to become one because you get to tutor/help other by trying to fix their problems. Another thing is that I like to help others feel better about themselves. Lastly they get to feel clean because they know the are trying to get help.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Presidents Day
Presidents Day
What is Presidents Day?
Presidents Day is a recognition of President George Washington. It is traditionally celebrated on February 22 Washington’s actual date of birth, but it eventually became popularly known as President's Day after it was moved as part of 1971’s Uniform Monday Holiday Act. Presidents Day began in the 1800’s . Now presidents day is popularly viewed as a day to celebrate all U.S. presidents past and future.
When is it?
Presidents Day is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February.
What are several ways to show, honor and respect on Presidents Day?
We can honor George Washington our first president of the United States. We can also honor Abraham Lincoln and all the other presidents that were involved.
How can you show, honor and respect on Presidents Day?
I can show, honor and respect on presidents day by showing love and respecting them.
Friday, February 10, 2017
Arnold H. Glasgow
“In life as in football, you won’t go far, unless you know where the goalposts are”- Arnold H. Glasgow
What this quote is trying to tell you is that you won’t go far if you don’t know where you belong. For example if you belong in the choose the right or if you belong in the choose the wrong path. Only you know where you belong because it's your future and not others. Your parents, friends, and teachers are only there to guide you in choosing a good future for yourself. If you don’t want to take that in then you will be facing some bad consequences and regretting the things you did. Another thing is that if you want to go far in life then you have to work very hard on it so that you can earn it. But when you don’t want to work hard and make something great then you will be lost in life. Life is too short to just throw it away. We need to be grateful and take advantage of the chance we got. In conclusion we need to choose the right so that we can become someone great in the future and make our culture/ family proud.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Orthodontists are specialized dentists who work to improve the patient's smiles through correcting teeth alignment and guiding proper facial development. They are responsible for locating the problems with the positionings of the patient’s teeth. You will use x-rays or plaster molds of your patient’s teeth. Then afterward you will use dental appliances such as braces, retainers, and space maintainers. You may also be in charge of supervising and instructing orthodontic technicians and assistants in performing routine procedures.
109,596- 161,753
To become an orthodontist you need to graduate from dental school with a Doctor of Dental Surgery or Doctor of Dental Medicine. But before this you will need to earn a bachelor’s degree. You will also need to have certain prerequisite courses such as chemistry, biology, physics, and organic chemistry. Another thing is that you will need to take the Dental Acceptance Test during your junior year of your undergraduate studies.
Demand for this particular career:
You are required to have dexterity, attention to detail, good communication skills and organizational skills. All states require dentists to be licensed and board certification in orthodontics.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
Yes I think that I would like to become one because since second grade I always wanted to be one. Now that I’m older I understand more and what will be required out of me so that I can proceed this as my career. Lastly, my family and friends support me so I know I will become one.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Student Siccess Statement
“Only those live who do good”- Count Leo Tolstoy
What this quote is trying to tell us is that only those who do good will be able to live a better, longer life. It’s also sending us a message on why we should do good and what we get out of it. An example of this quote would be your a football player and you don’t care that your family isn’t with you at the moment but you do care about your victory. This tells us that you’re just being selfish which isn’t a good thing because you’re choosing the wrong. We need to be able to choose the right all the time so that we can live with a good conscience. If you decide to choose the wrong you’re only hurting yourself because you won’t be able to live a normal life when you can’t decide what is right for you. If you want to live a long, healthier life then you need to start choosing the right so you can make something out of your life. An advice from me to you is choose the right.
Meidcal Scientist
Medical Scientist
Duties and Responsibilities:
Medical scientist run trial procedures on volunteer test groups or individual subjects to see how drugs interact with the patients. They work in settings such as hospitals, clinics, and laboratories. Their purpose of working with different substances is to discover new methods of enhancing human health. Lastly the result of these procedures and research are to come up with new treatment options, drugs, and vaccines.
They want a medical scientist to be known as as a Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences. There may be a few that choose to get a medical degree such as the Doctor of Medicine instead. The physician licensure requires that a medical scientist completes one to seven years of medical schooling.
Demand for this profession:
Medical scientist should have the ability to effectively communicate with writing and speech. An examination must be passed by the medical scientist for the licensure. One last thing is that they should be able to shift effortlessly from working in a team setting to independently.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I think that I would like to be one because then I will be helping others discover new things that we couldn’t find before. We may even be saving a life by doing this because we're trying to find new treatments. Although there is something that bugs me and that is if something goes wrong when you’re testing it on other people who volunteer. But overall this would be a really fun career to do.
Monday, February 6, 2017
“I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and I can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard I want to work, and I decided that I would change it.”- Dr. Ben Carson
I chose the topic orthodontic because when I get older I would like to become one. Another reason why I chose this is because when I was in second grade they told us to write and draw a picture of our career and what we want to be. So I decided that I would become a dentist/orthodontic. Now that I’m older I have decided that I will proceed this as my career later on. My family is happy that I know what I want to be already. Orthodontics is a dental speciality which aims to prevent, diagnose, and treat facial and dental irregularities such as malocclusion(bad bites). Something good about this is that they can treat you at any age. They are responsible for closing wide gaps between the teeth, straightening crooked teeth, treat an improper bite, etc… They usually deal with hardware, such as retainers and headgears with the goal of aligning teeth and improve the appearance of the person to chew or swallow without any pain. So I hope that my dream of becoming one will happen so that I can make others happy.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Wrong is never right
“Even if everyone is doing it, wrong is never right”- Russell M. Nelson
I would like to go to London which is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. Did you know that it is a 21st century city with history stretching back to Roman times. London was the first city in the world to have an underground railway known as the tube. Some of the most important people from countries all over the world visit the The Queen at Buckingham Palace. I decide to choose this place because my grandpa once went to London and he told me that it was a really beautiful place. Once I get older I would like to go because I would like to see it for myself. Another reason I chose London was because I would like to visit some of my friends that I made through social media and it all started when we liked the same music. I didn’t know that across the Thames River, the London Eye observation wheel provides you with panoramic views of the South Bank cultural complex and the entire city. They also have the Tower Bridge and I would like to go visit it as well because I want to know everything about London. London is like my second home.
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